In this new Frezza Partner Insight episode we talk with Architect Juan Pablo Serrano Orozco, partner of Work+ Mexico, based in Mexico City.
The company designs offices spaces with a high focus on functionality and flexibility, in order to achieve efficiency: the client has a whole team at his/her disposal, to solve every and each need, in terms of selection of space, project management, interior design and more.
What influences the choice of European
products in your country?
If you travel around the world looking for new things, new materials, new designs, and new trends you will notice that most of them are European. The difficult thing is to find the dealer, the service and the right cost in your country.
With Frezza it was a great surprise to find them all!
Which project carried out with Frezza brought out the winning aspects of the collaboration?
In our Manacar project the client fell in love with the solutions for the store front, the meeting rooms and the private offices. They added a new value in quality and design, laying the foundations for future corporative projects.
How will technology re-shape the way of thinking about workspace design?
Design and technology come together, but they are not available for everyone. Every brand has to invest in research, and often machinery for special designs. That is the only way to do it! Become a trend setter with your technology.
How do you work with a team remotely, to keep your projects update? What tools are you using?
After a few years, we have tried video conference technology with partners and clients around the world. We use Webex, Gonto meeting, Bluejeans, and Zoom. The latest one is my favorite, because it enables me to sketch for everyone too see, as well as to share presentations and graphic explanations.
Globally you have to develope mobile phone techniques to be in touch any time!
We are beginning to see a slow loosening of lockdown measures and attempts to open offices back again. How will this new “normal” change the way you design and function in offices?
This virus is helping to rethink many things, what is good and what is not.
The code is also asking certain things. We have seen this in the Japanese culture or in hospitals and laboratories. Living in cities with high density population makes us redesign are social and working gatherings, with more respect, especially if you’re avoiding being infected.
This period will change our lives for good. It will give us more respect for others.
This last fe years, we were already moving towards a healthier style and wellness certification. This has now been accelerated with all the precautions.
New materials that protect us from virus’ and bacterias are becoming more affordable. New things to clean out, filters, uv light! Fabrics. Titanium oxide!
We will hear about new things applied to the everyday life!
Have requirements changed when designing a new workplace?
We confirmed that hyper density is not that good right now. We need to think for new ways to get there in transport, office, food and beverage!
How can workplace design impact psychological safety?
You have to notice that companies are taking care of you, in a technology and elegant way! Wearables and desk ads will help you that you are protected!