Design for evolving Humans

Product categories

Product categories

Office furniture and solutions that improve the way you work

Frezza produces quality office furniture and hospitality solutions. It represents the Made in Italy trademark worldwide, using internationally recognized designers and an internal research and development team, oriented towards technological and aesthetic innovation. All solutions are designed to promote well-being, respect the environment and improve work spaces.


Furnishing ideas for a functional designer meeting room in the office

Find out how to furnish an efficient and wellness-conscious office meeting room with designer solutions in both classic and modern styles. How to furnish an office meeting room The furniture of an office meeting room must be welcoming and functional in order to host conferences, workshops, internal company meetings or institutional meetings. In a rapidly […]

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Frezza’s Design for Evolving Humans at Index Workspace Dubai 2024

At Dubai’s World Trade Center, Frezza presented some of its new product collections, which not only confirm the brand as a benchmark in the office design world but also launch it into a wider market. From 4th to 6th June 2024, Frezza participated at Index Workspace, which was held at the World Trade Center in […]

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Front desk design: how to welcome clients with the perfect reception desk

Find out how to furnish a designer reception that reflects the corporate image and enhances the office experience for both customers and employees. The reception is your company’s business card In contemporary workspaces, where the focus on people and brand identity is becoming more and more important, receptions have evolved into a welcoming space that […]

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Frezza in the Special Register of Historical Trademarks of National Interest

A vocation for Made in Italy and tradition, a deep bond with its surrounding territory since 1954 2024 marks an important anniversary for Frezza: seventy years of activity. In addition, the company has received a prestigious award that places it in the Special Register of Historical Trademarks of National Interest. The Register was established by […]

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Ergonomics and design: the best chairs for the contemporary office

Versatile, ergonomic and design-oriented: office seating allows you to work in a dynamic and free way Furniture is a demonstration of how much the workplace and the way of relating to it have changed, demanding ever more welcoming and easily reconfigurable environments. The office chair is the pivot of increasingly hybrid spaces and is designed […]

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