In the middle of lockdown we worked from home. Later, with the lifting of some restrictions, some of us returned to the office. Many, however, adopted new hybrid working formulas, thus not returning to the office life we knew before.

As a consequence we’ve become somewhat accustomed to the home atmosphere, to working in complete solitude and to taking a few breaks to regain our concentration when necessary.

Cutting-edge multinationals have long since realised that without a carefully designed lounge area (e.g. that follows the dictates of behaviour-based design) it’s almost impossible to recreate the same “homey feeling” of a house in an office environment.

Younger professionals, that are part of Gen-Z, prefer to work in companies that offer “relaxation” areas that are also equipped for work. In a nutshell, they want hybrid spaces where the comfort of home is integrated with the communal experience of the office. The design of these lounge areas represents experimentation and dynamism, and communicates the company’s propensity for innovation and employee well-being. It also represents a testing area for new ways of working and sharing.

The benefits of a well-designed lounge area

The working environment has a direct influence on a person’s productivity. When an individual feels comfortable, he or she will be more focused, creative and cooperative with colleagues.

However, sometimes this state of well-being cannot be achieved in front of a desk: here are three specific cases that can be easily overcome by using a lounge area.

  • Difficulty to concentrate in an open space because of the noise.
    If the lounge area is equipped with a phone booth for calls and video calls, the worker can easily move with his laptop into this space, continuing his activities in a less hectic environment.
  • Necessity to take a break when moving from one project to another.
    What better place than the lounge area? With comfortable seating and a more relaxed atmosphere, it only takes a few minutes to recover from mental fatigue.
  • Necessity to discuss things with a colleague in an informal way.
    Lounge areas can be considered a comfort zone where you can chat (even about work!) without the strict atmosphere that a meeting room can have.


The essential elements of a modern lounge area

A lounge area must allow people to relax, socialise and work. This space must therefore be optimally equipped for each of these different needs.

But the main focus of a lounge area is furniture and technology.

A co-working area designed with electrified tables, including mobile ones, is conceived to increase flexibility and improve efficiency for the company’s collaborators.

From a technological point of view, excellent wireless connectivity and sufficient charging stations are a must.