We often talk about taking regular breaks, planning our day in advance or managing projects according to a precise methodology, but we often forget about the importance of the workstation. This factor unequivocally affects productivity.

Correctly setting up a workstation by following one’s needs helps to limit distractions, maintain the right posture and make the day more pleasant. Where should one start, though?


1.   Customise your seat correctly

A well-designed office always includes an ergonomic office chair. It’s up to each employee to set all the parameters as best as possible: the seat and backrest height adjustment, the correct adjustment of the lumbar support or the armrest distance.

The same applies to the computer monitor: it should be positioned between 50 cm and 80 cm away from the user, at an optimal height in relation to each individual.

These small and important details help maintain a correct posture, avoiding physical problems such as back pain and neck pain.

2.   Leave space for movement

Avoid placing drawers, bags or anything else under the desk, so as not to reduce legroom. During the working day it’s advisable to change position at least 40 times: this includes getting up to ‘stretch’ (at least once every 30 minutes) or simply crossing your legs differently.

A sit-stand desk is a good solution: Pop Ad, for example, allows you to store up to 4 levels of desk height, allowing you to work both standing up and sitting down.

3.   Invest (if possible) in quality headphones

Noise, especially in open spaces, can reduce a person’s productivity by up to 66%. If the job allows it, invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones: they will allow you to extricate yourself from the external noise when needed.

4.   Set the workstation’s light carefully

If the light is too weak it can cause drowsiness, if it’s too strong it can cause migraines and eyestrain. In the last case it’s not possible to act directly, except by reporting the problem to the company manager; in the former case, however, the advice is to get a desk lamp, preferably one with a cool light.

5.   Keep your desk tidy and organised

Get rid of everything you don’t need from your desk, especially if it is non-work-related. Rearrange cables, organise documents in a filing unit and try to keep everything tidy throughout the week: you will find everything easily and without distractions!

Organisation and ergonomics will immediately have a positive effect on productivity, mood and health: you can only improve further from here.